Obtaining a commercial EPC
An accredited NDEA (Non-Domestic Energy Assessor) needs to carry out a commercial EPC when instructed. They use SBEM calculations to complete energy assessments and can produce the required Energy Performance Certificate.
Are there any exemptions to having a Commercial EPC?
EPCs are not required on sale or rent for buildings due to be demolished, provided the seller or landlord can demonstrate that:
• listed or officially protected and the minimum energy performance requirements would unacceptably alter it
• a temporary building only going to be used for 2 years or less
• used as a place of worship or for other religious activities
• an industrial site, workshop or
non-residential agricultural building that doesn’t use much energy
• a detached building with a total floor space under 50 square metres
• due to be demolished by the seller or landlord and they have all the relevant planning and conservation consents
A Non-Domestic Energy Assessor can confirm if your building falls under an exemption